Today, Meadow is happy to share a review of Nature's Finest Gobble Turkey Tender Chips, 3.5 oz. ($9.59), which she found on sale at Chuck & Don's.
According to Nature's Finest website, their Turkey treats are made using only turkey sourced in the USA and raised humanely. I was also pleasantly surprised by the ingredient list: Turkey Tendons, Turkey Liver, Pumpkin Seeds, and Coconut Oil. Good stuff!
With an ingredient list like this, these might even be OK for our diabetic kitty!
They are roughly the shape and size of a pepperoni, but they are slightly thicker, and harder.

These are a decent size for high-value training treats for a dog of Meadow's size - about 55 lbs.
Meadow REALLY likes these. She sat, laid down, and did some impulse control exercises with these Gobble treats as a reward. She's not much of a drooler, but she left a drool puddle on the floor when she had her first taste of these treats. That's how you know she really likes something - she drools.
And now for some gratuitous Meadow spam:
These Gobble Turkey Tendon Chips are a hit with Meadow, and I was pleasantly surprised by the limited ingredients. These will definitely be on the "do again" list.
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